Posts in Planning
Freedom Through Business Automation - IRL 3.1 - Kelly Gabel

Freedom Through Business Automation For Small Businesses…she learned that her customers didn't care that she was just one person trying to juggle her new business and her day job! Customers wanted her to be available whenever they needed her. She researched, learned, and mastered the skills needed to show up for her customers even when she wasn't actually available…

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How To Start Tax Planning Today

When it comes to tax planning I know a lot of us are just like deer in the headlights. It is hard to read through and decipher all of those tax codes, especially in today's day and age when there are tax laws that seem to be changing every single month! It's definitely hard to keep up with and I know that I find myself on the IRS's website in my spare time just kind of reading through things to make sure that I'm feeling updated. If there's anything that I need to do more research on, I take the time to do that. So today I'd like to just chat a little bit about some ways that we can all do some tax planning for ourselves and to better our future.

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Holiday Gift Guide: 20 Gifts Under $25 for Him & Her

The holidays are such a special time! I feel my energy building up getting ready to watch all of the lovely holiday movies, while cuddling on the coach and sipping on hot cocoa. But for many of us it is a time of financial stress. Sometimes the stress comes from not knowing exactly how much the cost of Christmas will end up being when you see the credit card bill in January. Well - fret not friends! I’ve pulled together a list of gifts UNDER $25, for her AND him!

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Book Review: How To Say Anything To Anyone

I wish I had read How To Say Anything To Anyone sooner. Perhaps before I even entered the workforce. I love how this book is so practical and teaches exactly what to say within certain situations and circumstances. Too many times I have felt stumped by trying to figure out the most effective way to communicate to another person within the office, especially in the confines of an office culture where politics gets lost on me. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

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How to Get Started With Meal Prepping

Sometimes it feels like meal prep can be a chore! But, when I have meals all set and ready to go for the upcoming week I start to notice that my level of efficiency goes up during the day. In the mornings I find that I’m not worrying about what meals I’m going to be eating throughout the day, all I have to do is grab and go. Now that I work mostly from home this helps speed up my day significantly. I am honestly doing more things now than I was when I had a 9 to 5. #mindblown

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The Case for Meal Planning

You come home from work exhausted. Rummage through the fridge and try to find the easiest, quickest, and (...*fingers crossed*...) the healthiest meal to make to keep the family happy and satisfied. But then you realize you don't have enough items to make a whole meal. *sigh* So, you end up running to the grocery store to pick up "just a few things" and end up spending a $100 because impulse shopping on an empty stomach IS. A. THING.

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Top Unexpected Expenses for Small Business Owners

True or False: When I started my business, I knew all the business items I would need to pay for.

If you would’ve asked me this on day one, I would’ve said a matter-of-fact, shoulder-shrugging yes. Ask me today, years later, and I can say with full confidence that this statement is false. I had no idea! If you’re new to business ownership, take comfort in the fact that no one has all the answers in the beginning. Which, I think, is part of the fun of entrepreneurship.

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2018: A Year in Reflection

When I first started this business I was unsure of which way to truly start. I felt like I knew my endgame, but was unsure of which path to move forward with. I know there may be some of you out there thinking the same thing. Perhaps you even toyed with the idea of starting your own business as well, but just unsure of exactly how to get started. In this blog post I reflect on my first year in business and then I breakdown the path I took to that brought me where I am today. I hope this provides insight and encouragement that it is possible to start a business alongside working a full-time job.

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Variables of Change

For those who know me, already know I am a huge fan of Grey’s Anatomy. I have watched this show since the beginning! I think the creators of Grey’s Anatomy have a way of explaining life so very poignantly. Here is a quote from their Season 7, Episode 1. There is no need for a backstory, as you will learn why. Stick with it, this is a good quote…

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PlanningEdrina Calderon